Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Music Moment

Katy Perry's Empowering anthem 'Firework' is all about showing your worth and being yourself! Its was a mega hit and in my opinion TIMELESS. Check it out! 

Emergency Phone Numbers

Monday, September 24, 2012


Everyone affects our lives. Lets be careful who we let in our circle. Feelings are contagious. Emotions are contagious. The way we look at life is contagious. Walking around aimlessly feeling down about your worries does not and will not help your situation. Feeling bad for yourself or thinking that if you were given more things (Money, rich parents, better jobs) that it would help your situation because it most certainly wouldn't. Sure it may seem like those people who have that are more comfortable, but the grass is always greener on the other side. Or at least that's what they say, I sure would like to find out! Haha..The only thing that will help is your faith.


Faith that you did not get that job, or you didn't get that raise or even that big break YET all happened for a reason.

Our heavenly father has a purpose in our lives and it is our job to seek him. The kingdom will be opened up to us when we bow down, sit, and wait. 
Know that everything happens for a reason and that there is a bigger purpose for your life that you don't even know yet.

All will be revealed when the time is right

As long as you believe that, and believe in his power and that he is GOD, then and only then will our dreams be achieved and our self purpose will be fulfilled even higher than we can possibly dream.

Stay blessed and stuff!